Careers in the Cloud
Raising Awareness of Cloud Workforce Opportunities
The cloud is often presented as an abstract concept, where data floats virtually. However, the cloud is far from abstract. In fact, it requires physical infrastructure – and lots of it.
Cloud based software and services operate from data centres where structured cabled networks connect banks of data servers with the mainstream telecommunications networks that enable online access.
The massive explosion in take-up of Cloud based systems means huge growth in the demand for data centre capacity.
This means that the number of people required to design, build, upgrade and operate data centres is growing faster than any other sector in the Australian workforce.
The work involved in designing, building, operating and maintaining data centres ranges from hands-on network cabling, hardware installation and technical cleaning, to systems engineering, project management and operational management.
Australian IT Services partners with Careers in the Cloud to raise awareness of career opportunities in the cloud workforce, while highlighting and aligning with their shared commitment to gender and culturally inclusive workplaces.